I recommend_ Stray (Review) - Part 1

 This video is brought to you by the brand new msi gt77 laptop equipped with nvidia geforce rtx 3080 ti. I've been using this as my main driver for a month since my pc died in sad times but this laptop has made it the hell of a lot easier Click the link below to watch or stay till the end of the video, to learn more. Ever wanted to be an idiot cat, you can ruin people's carpets Wall, oh hell, you can even ruin people's parties, no, it's not an unnamed cat game, it's stray, okay, so I'll give you a one-sided view on cats but it comes from a deep place I suspect the majority of people clicked on this video won't like but here you are ready. I do not like cats. I know, I know I'm a terrible person. I understand but the truth is I don't like cats and they don't seem to like me either, no cat has ever come up to me and done that thing where they rub against your leg and purr when cats see me are they like hmm and then they walk away reminds me of my high school years for different but related reasons so I'm telling you that as important context lest you think for a second that my love for this game has anything to do with one kind of innate feline bias is actually the polar opposite of strays. We were so smitten with him in almost every way that surprised us all when it debuted last year because it was one of those premise that was so immediately compelling that you wonder why nobody did it

previously played as a cat without the aid of a vacuum cleaner, but it was a direct setting that immediately struck a chord in a dense, stylized, beautifully lit sci-fi world whose robotic denizens seem to be hanging by a thread after humanity vanished who you immediately wanted to be This cat is exploring this world and I walked in expecting just that and I would have been fine with that, but I actually found a lot more here. I found a beautifully designed traversal and exploration system, some really fast-paced environmental and narrative puzzles, some very tense stealth and chase sequences, a sparse but moving story of defiance and camaraderie, and one of the best soundtracks of the year that I'm sure to add to my regular Adding rotation of stuff I'm listening to while I'm working has some technical challenges The performance and some of the controls can feel a little stiff and limiting but aside from those issues, stray is just really, really nice, it's basic nice game I think almost everyone will like this but these cat people will really love it

The refresh rate at 40 lowered the resolution scaling to 70 and kept the settings at Medium at this point. You could expect a relatively constant 40fps, but again there will be regular dips as I've found the PS5 to be more stable and without any major sacrifices in visual fidelity over the PC versions, so that's what I had in this case Feeling that the PS5 version is the right one, at least until the devs could put a little more work into the bottom line PC optimisation, but you should hold off on straying for PC until then, it looks better I have to say I do really forgive when it comes to stuff like that but i kinda hit my limit here with stray sable for example which didn't run well at all but stable for me survives this poor performance because its slow methodical gameplay and sprawling environments caused performance drops not felt too strongly were from a dark corridor to a dense center in midtown this wild, sometimes de generating orienting fluctuations in performance that got me out of the experience, as I've said more than once in the past, when a game is good but doing poorly, it's worth waiting for things to go well before you immerse I really wish I'd been able to experience this a little later now that the performance improvements have come through, but Stray is really, really good and a lot of its appeal lies not only in the beauty of its world but also in the cat's snappy fluid movement unfortunately these fluctuations in performance affected both things more often than I would have liked

You wake up in a dark and hostile place where the townsfolk once lived, but they're gone now, and in their place of robots that go about largely human lives, doing jobs by begging or just lounging casually by the side of the road, there's a Sense of sadness and defeat in every robot you encounter and with good reason they are all trapped there, the sky above them taken from them to live eternity both under darkness and under the tyrannical yoke of a power that Known only as the Wardens, it's your job to maintain order in these back alleys and neon-lit streets. Enter a cat looking to reunite with her buddies outside. This more humble goal quickly unfolds into a grand quest as you reunite with your little drone companion, unsure of his past but sure has to do with bringing the skies together and you both strive to help the robots who They encounter bringing hope and sunshine all of which have their small part to play in this tale of rebellion and liberation I really like it when games can tell impactful stories in a few words and excel at strays in that regard. The history of this world is briefly explained to you, but if you pay enough attention to the casual comments made by the robots you're talking to and stop to enjoy just a little of stray's environmental stories, you really don't need these explanations and you can see the suffering of those guess who you meet by their hunting shoulders, their aimless walks, the way they huddle under old blankets for warmth, you don't need to be told that

Things are awful down here, you can see and feel it for yourself, and in just four hours and through a script no longer than a few dozen pages, I was able to tell one of the most compelling stories of any game I've played this year maybe that's partly because stray's voyeuristic tone reflects the voyeuristic nature of cats themselves. Cats are generally quite calm, certainly calmer than dogs, they will sit and watch and listen and that is what you will do here in stray, just sit calmly and watch things unfold, there are no big revelations here, no sudden turns in As for the plot, it's quite a conspiring story that unfolds exactly as you would expect, but it's definitely told and leaves enough gaps in the narrative to fill in with your own imagination

When they said how bandicoots really move, they just made a cool character that was fun and could spin in circles really fast for some reason, but Stray's developers really started with how cats move and they were smart enough to realize that cats have already done this A lovely video game kit, the calm confidence in cats abilities is brilliant and I think it will see this title age so beautifully because the core of the gameplay is on this one timeless grace of cats that the cat people out there might be wondering how much strays indulge in what we might call cat fan service, and I have to say that while it's indulgent, it's certainly not indulgent. This brief foreplay is one of the more charming moments in the game, where your cat will doze off and purr and twirl as you soak up the afternoon sun and later chill out with your homies at various points in the game that give you the chance to do cat stuff, typically the scratch scratching i showed in the intro bu t also naps there are a lot of naps

So Stray is more than just jumping on boxes and taking a nap. Yes, the traversal and exploration puzzle is certainly the most common you'll encounter in Stray, but beyond that you'll also come across what I call narrative puzzles. You'll arrive at these urban hubs populated with a handful of robots, and some of them have problems that need to be solved when a street musician needs sheet music and you can hunt around town to find them and bring them to him, in which only one of the songs is hidden a safe and the only one Way to open this safe is to find someone who knows how to crack the code etc. There is no quest log, experience points or upgrade tree, just small groups of people each making a small number of interlocking requests house and pass until you solve them and then move on to the next hub, everything is wonderfully paced as you get a lot of hints as you go to s the solution Quickly, it was all very well handled, there's also a bunch of logic puzzles that you'll come across with more traditional third-person adventure stuff, like moving crates onto slabs to unlock things, and so on


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